Kay September Blog 7

Kay’s school kicked off the year with its first family engagement event! These events happen several times throughout the school year, and each one offers something new. This time, the local fire department paid a visit! Since the fire station is right next door to the school, a few firefighters stopped by with their fire…

Kay September Blog 6

Kay had her six-month checkup with the ENT, which is usually a quick but necessary visit. Since Kay has smaller ears, she’s more prone to ear infections, and too many could mean needing ear tubes. Thankfully, while she’s had a few infections, it’s not enough to require tubes yet—good news!   During the appointment, the…

Kay September Blog 3

This past weekend, my mom and I attended an incredible summit hosted by Breakthrough T1D, a global organization dedicated to research and advocacy for Type 1 diabetes.   Back when Kay was first diagnosed and, in the hospital, I was given a backpack filled with helpful resources, children’s books about Type 1, and a sweet…

Kay September Blog 1

Kay’s little league T-Ball team recently hosted a special event that was beyond exciting. Two bands from Japan, LOBRAVE (an all-male group) and PIPPA (an all-female group), visited Las Vegas to film content for a possible music video! These groups are known for entertaining children and adults with special needs, and they regularly visit hospitals…