Kay October Blog 10

Kay had a wonderful Halloween, starting the evening by Trick-or-Treating around our neighborhood. Dressed in her adorable kitty costume, she visited a few neighbors before getting a bit tired; her early bedtime still holds, and though I tried to stretch it a bit, after a few houses, she began asking to go home.   Back…

Kay October Blog 9

Over the weekend, Kay and I celebrated one of her friends turning 4! The party was at Wally Wombats, Kay’s favorite indoor play place, where she spent the morning eating pizza, devouring homemade cupcakes, and having the best time running, climbing, jumping, and endlessly going down slides with her friends!   It’s amazing to see…

Kay October Blog 8

Kay’s school held a Trunk or Treat, and I couldn’t wait to take her! We arrived about 30 minutes before the event started, and if you know toddlers, you know that arriving early can sometimes be a gamble!   Thankfully, we were able to pass the time on the playground, which kept Kay happily entertained.…

Kay October Blog 6

GiGi’s Playhouse Las Vegas hosted its first annual Halloween Party over the weekend, and the playhouse was buzzing with excitement! Our incredible friends came dressed in all sorts of fun costumes, the music was lively, people were dancing, and there were plenty of delicious snacks for everyone. Kay had an absolute blast, running around freely,…

Kay October Blog 4

Kay’s school recently hosted their Pre-K Fall Festival, and it was such a fun time with various games and activities. Kay even got to wear her costume! Initially, she wasn’t too sure about wearing it, even though she picked it out herself this year. Thankfully, once we arrived at school, her mood brightened, but we…

Kay October Blog 3

Kay recently caught her first cold since being diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. While it wasn’t a major illness, I quickly realized how even a mild cold could impact her blood sugar. In the days leading up to her cold, her blood sugars were consistently high, and no matter what I tried, they wouldn’t come…

Kay October Blog 2

Saturday brought another exciting T-Ball game for Kay! Even though it’s still hot in Vegas, I’m hopeful the weather will start cooling down by next week—something I’m looking forward to! Kay loves playing T-Ball and being outdoors, but the heat can make it tough for everyone to fully enjoy. Thankfully, the league provides buddies, when…

Kay October Blog 1

October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month (also known as Acceptance Month)! This is a time dedicated to advocating for inclusion, breaking down myths, and sharing facts to better educate the world. It’s all about helping others understand that individuals with Down Syndrome are just like you and me.   Recently, I came across a video…