Kay October Blog 4

Kay’s school recently hosted their Pre-K Fall Festival, and it was such a fun time with various games and activities. Kay even got to wear her costume! Initially, she wasn’t too sure about wearing it, even though she picked it out herself this year. Thankfully, once we arrived at school, her mood brightened, but we…

Kay October Blog 3

Kay recently caught her first cold since being diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. While it wasn’t a major illness, I quickly realized how even a mild cold could impact her blood sugar. In the days leading up to her cold, her blood sugars were consistently high, and no matter what I tried, they wouldn’t come…

Kay October Blog 2

Saturday brought another exciting T-Ball game for Kay! Even though it’s still hot in Vegas, I’m hopeful the weather will start cooling down by next week—something I’m looking forward to! Kay loves playing T-Ball and being outdoors, but the heat can make it tough for everyone to fully enjoy. Thankfully, the league provides buddies, when…

Kay October Blog 1

October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month (also known as Acceptance Month)! This is a time dedicated to advocating for inclusion, breaking down myths, and sharing facts to better educate the world. It’s all about helping others understand that individuals with Down Syndrome are just like you and me.   Recently, I came across a video…

Kay September Blog 7

Kay’s school kicked off the year with its first family engagement event! These events happen several times throughout the school year, and each one offers something new. This time, the local fire department paid a visit! Since the fire station is right next door to the school, a few firefighters stopped by with their fire…

Kay September Blog 6

Kay had her six-month checkup with the ENT, which is usually a quick but necessary visit. Since Kay has smaller ears, she’s more prone to ear infections, and too many could mean needing ear tubes. Thankfully, while she’s had a few infections, it’s not enough to require tubes yet—good news!   During the appointment, the…