Kay November Blog 10

November isn’t just Diabetes Awareness Month—it’s also a time to reflect on everything we’re thankful for. In our little family here in Las Vegas, it’s just Kay, my parents, and me. This year, we’ve decided to skip the traditional Thanksgiving feast and opt for something smaller, something that feels right for us.   This year…

Kay November Blog 9

I recently attended Kay’s yearly IEP meeting with her teachers and all staff involved in Kay’s care. For those unfamiliar, an IEP (Individualized Education Plan) outlines the specific educational needs of a child with a disability and the services they’ll receive to support them in school.   Since Kay started school after winter break last…

Kay November Blog 8

We attended our very first Type 1 Diabetes Walk hosted by Breakthrough T1D, and it was such a memorable experience! As soon as the walk was announced, I started counting down the days and couldn’t wait to participate. Kay’s Krew came together, assembling her team of supporters, and we all gathered for this special event.…

Kay November Blog 7

Kay, her grandma, and I recently attended an art exhibit showcasing pieces created by the Pre-K students. Each class displayed art inspired by a renowned artist, accompanied by a brief biography of their chosen inspiration. Kay’s class drew inspiration from Frida Kahlo, and I loved seeing how they expressed themselves through such a unique and…

Kay November Blog 6

November 13th marked a full year of writing these blogs and sharing them with you all. Wow! When I was first offered the opportunity to write about Kay’s life and our experiences, I was excited but a bit hesitant. I had never thought of myself as a “writer” or as someone who could regularly document…

Kay November Blog 5

In celebration of World Diabetes Day, I had the opportunity to read a special book to Kay’s class that introduces diabetes in a way children can understand. I’ve said it before, but I truly love Kay’s school! They are so dedicated to advocating for each student and creating an inclusive environment where everyone is involved.…

Kay November Blog 4

November is not only Diabetes Awareness Month, but November 14th is also World Diabetes Day! It’s hard to believe that next month will mark six months since Kay was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. I’ve learned so much since her diagnosis and continue to pick up new insights every day!   Support groups have been…

Kay November Blog 3

Over the weekend, Kay had her last game of the fall T-Ball season, and it was a perfect day! We had such a great time enjoying the beautiful weather and the company of friends we don’t see as often as we’d like. Life gets busy with our children’s therapies, school, appointments, and other activities. T-Ball…

Kay November Blog 1

We wrapped up October with Down Syndrome Awareness Month and are now diving into November, which means it’s Diabetes Awareness Month! Two meaningful months, back-to-back, filled with opportunities to spread awareness and educate others. This November is especially exciting because we’ll be attending Kay’s first diabetes walk, hosted by Breakthrough T1D, an organization dedicated to…