Hi, my name is Lizette, DSPC made the quote “If you love your job, you never have to work a single day in your life” make sense to me. I strongly believe in our core values and the people we serve. I always knew I was meant to support individuals with I/DD since the moment I successfully potty trained my only sibling who is diagnosed with Autism. My parents were told by professionals that once my brother turned 5 years of age the chances of him ever achieving potty training would become minimal after that. I was 9 years old when I achieved what everyone thought was impossible, he was 6 years old then. I am now 21, and my brother is 18 still on the spectrum. Every day I strive to be a better person both mentally and physically for my family and myself. Discipline and consistency are my two favorite words to live by. When I am not supporting families at work you can find me at the gym or on walks with my miniature poodle, Skye!