Thanksgiving 2023 proved to be an eventful affair! Kay, my parents, my boyfriend, Spencer, and I gathered for lunch at my parents’ house, where a delicious spread awaited us-smoked brisket, green bean casserole, stuffing, rolls, and mashed potatoes. Kay, being a somewhat selective eater, stuck to mashed potatoes and rolls. Toddlers, right? Lol. After enjoying our meal with my parents, we made our way to Spencer’s family’s house for another feast! The menu featured turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, creamed corn, baked mac and cheese with breadcrumbs on top, and various other sides, finishing it off with pumpkin pie and other items for dessert.

Kay always looks forward to visiting Spencer’s family, especially because she gets to interact with the kids. With her boundless energy, she enjoys running around, being silly, and actively participating in all the activities. I appreciate the warm and inclusive welcome she receives, as well as the eagerness of everyone to involve her in their current undertakings.

I count my blessings as I realize how much there is to be thankful for. Kay is surrounded by a circle of friends and family who love and accept her just as she is-an ideal situation for her, and for that, I am truly grateful.

Reflecting on the past years and the challenges Kay has overcome, I feel an immense sense of gratitude for being chosen as her mom. I cherish the moments we get to celebrate holidays and everyday life together. Imagining life through Kay’s eyes, I can’t help but think it must be magical.

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