I know I write about GiGi’s Playhouse a lot, but I truly cannot say enough great things about it! I’m so grateful to have a place for Kay and her peers to play and hang out. The other day, Kay and I spent the entire morning at GiGi’s, enjoying time with friends. It’s wonderful to have a safe environment where I can relax and watch Kay have fun.


That morning, I texted my friend who is also the site manager at our GiGi’s Playhouse. I mentioned that Kay was getting really bored at home, and she immediately said, “bring her over.” Some of Kay’s other friends were headed there as well, so it turned into a fun morning of playtime with friends.


After our morning of playing, we had a delicious lunch, then headed to Kay’s pediatrician. Kay had been battling a sinus infection, but despite several days of steroids and breathing treatments, she hadn’t shown much improvement. So, I called her pediatrician, who advised us to come in. It turned out that Kay’s sinus infection had developed into an ear infection. Poor girl has been on medication for almost two weeks and still has a few days left. Hopefully, once this dose is finished, Kay will finally be all better.

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