Recently we celebrated my dad’s birthday. My parents went out for dinner, and then we continued the celebration at home with cake and ice cream. Kay loves birthday celebrations, especially because “Happy Birthday” is one of her favorite songs to sing!


The rest of the night was spent relaxing at home together. Kay had a blast with the balloon, which kept her entertained until bedtime. It’s often the simple things that bring the most joy. Kay adores her papa, so any opportunity to celebrate and spend extra time with him is special, no matter what we’re doing.


However, I noticed that evening that Kay wasn’t acting like herself, and I was worried she might be coming down with a cold. After a few days of her not being herself, I took her to the doctor. The pediatrician diagnosed Kay with a viral cold and noted her chest sounded rattled. She was prescribed steroids and breathing treatments to help her recover over the next few days.


I’m grateful that Kay usually takes medicine well and doesn’t resist much. However, the breathing treatments are new for her and have been a bit challenging. I let Kay watch whatever she wants on her iPad with the volume up and constantly praise her during the treatment, explaining that it will help her feel better. We have a few more days of medicine and breathing treatments ahead, so let’s hope it gets easier as time goes on!

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