The DSP Summit 2024 was just as memorable and extraordinary as ever!


Despite Kay’s initial lack of enthusiasm upon arrival, she truly shone after lunch, revealing her outgoing and cheerful self.


Kay and I seized the chance to have a few photos taken by the talented photographer capturing the Summit’s remarkable moments. I’m thrilled that Kay was in such high spirits, and I can’t wait to see the delightful pictures.


After our impromptu photoshoot, we returned to the convention center to unwind before our moment in the spotlight. I was admittedly nervous about how Kay would handle being on stage in front of a large audience, but she exceeded all expectations! Waving, greeting the crowd, and even pointing out her momma on the big screen, which elicited laughter from the audience.


Following some thought-provoking questions, Trina and Kay wrapped up our time on stage by performing their special duet, “The Little Green Frog.”


This marks my second year attending the DSP Summit, and each time, I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to share my insights with such an engaged audience. I eagerly anticipate many more years of participation and look forward to the day when Kay will have her own chance to take the stage and share her thoughts!

1 Comment

  1. I just wanna say, I was there when Kay and Trina sang the song both in office and at Summit and both times it made my whole day! It was so great meeting you two and I’m so happy for this blog to be able to keep up with you guys. Thank you for sharing Kay’s experiences with us!

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