Kay, my mother, and I recently embarked on a brief but memorable trip to Oregon! Though our time there flew by, we packed it with loads of fun.


Our journey began with a flight on a Thursday, though Kay, being a tired toddler, made it a bit challenging with her discomfort from the change in pressure. Despite the rocky start, Kay’s spirits soared when we reached Trina’s house, and she discovered the expansive backyard equipped with two playgrounds and a trampoline. Compared to our smaller yards back in Las Vegas, this outdoor haven was a dream come true for Kay, who protested whenever it was time to head indoors. Each morning, she eagerly made a beeline for the backdoor, pleading for more time outside.


Friday morning was filled with excitement as we visited the DSP office in Salem. Kay lit up the room with her infectious energy, delighting everyone she met with her smiles and waves. After spreading joy throughout the office, we fueled up with breakfast before embarking on our day of exploration.


Our first stop was Lincoln City, where we introduced Kay to the beach for the first time. While my mother and I had hoped for a beach lover in Kay, she wasn’t quite as enthralled as we’d imagined. Perhaps she was still recovering from our eventful Thursday, or maybe the chilly water took her by surprise. Nevertheless, Kay found solace in sitting on the sand and even sampled a bit, though it didn’t quite meet her culinary expectations! Once it was clear the beach wasn’t her scene, we made our way to Newport.


In Newport, Kay’s spirits lifted as she watched the playful sea lions and explored the charming shops. After a leisurely time in Newport, we enjoyed a satisfying dinner before concluding our adventure.


Every visit to Oregon leaves me in awe of its breathtaking views and natural beauty. I eagerly anticipate each trip, knowing the stunning sights that await me.

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