This year, we had a quieter Fourth of July. The extreme heat has been challenging, especially since Kay’s diabetes diagnosis, so I’ve been keeping her indoors as much as possible. We haven’t gone swimming either, as I’m concerned about her Dexcom reader falling off, which provides constant glucose readings. Although other parents have reassured me that it stays on, I worry it might come off before the 10 days are up. The Dexcom gives me a lot of comfort, especially when we’re away from home, or at night while I sleep.


Our celebration was simple but enjoyable. My dad grilled hot dogs, hamburgers, and sausages, with fries, Kay’s favorite side. After dinner, we watched TV and waited for nightfall. When it was dark, we went outside to watch the fireworks. Kay was thrilled, pointing and shouting at each display. She enjoyed it even more than last year, and I’m sure next year will be even better!


Kay stayed up past her usual bedtime and was exhausted by the end of the night. Amazingly, she slept soundly despite the loud fireworks outside.

1 Comment

  1. Has been a challenge for both of you. I hope Swimming can resumed soon loves Pool Time!
    I miss my Nieces so much!!! My family Darren and Tina. Last Summer was so enjoyable and Fun!

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