Kay and I recently had the joy of celebrating one of her friends’ fourth birthdays! The best part was that the party was held at GiGi’s Playhouse, a place close to our hearts.


We met this family when Kay was just 3 months old. I remember that day so clearly—we were at a park for an event organized by a Down Syndrome organization to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day on March 21st. Fun fact: they chose that date because Down Syndrome involves having a third copy of the 21st chromosome, hence 3/21.


Meeting this incredible family, along with several others who are still dear to me today, was an emotional and eye-opening experience. I had such a strong desire to connect with the Down Syndrome community and meet other families. Attending that event was a turning point, and I’m so grateful for the friendships that have grown from it.


But back to the birthday party! All the little princesses gathered to celebrate their friend. They danced, played, enjoyed pizza and snow cones, sang Happy Birthday, and indulged in delicious cake. It was a fun and exhausting day for all the little princesses who joined in the celebration.

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