Kay and I recently attended the final Leaps and Bounds class at GiGi’s Playhouse until fall. It was my first time volunteering consistently for something, and I’m so glad it was with GiGi’s Playhouse! The playhouse feels like a second home to us, and I loved being able to contribute to one of their programs. It was a fantastic experience.


I met new families who have become friends, and I learned a lot about myself along the way. I never realized how much fun volunteering could be or how much I would gain from it! Leaps and Bounds focuses on preschool preparation, and each lesson was a joy to participate in. We practiced standing in line, taking turns, playing games, and setting up physical obstacles for the kids to tackle.


As Kay will be starting T-Ball around the same time Leaps and Bounds resumes, and with the program moving to a different day, I won’t be able to volunteer as regularly. However, I’ve expressed my willingness to help whenever I can.


Kay and I like to stay busy, so we’ll still be spending plenty of time at GiGi’s Playhouse, even with T-Ball starting in September!

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