Our local GiGi’s Playhouse recently announced they were looking for community members to participate in a video that will be featured at this year’s gala. I thought it would be a fun experience for Kay and me, so we decided to join in!


I’m so glad we did because while we were there, we had the incredible opportunity to meet Sofia Sanchez! Sofia is an actress, model, advocate, and so much more. She’s a true inspiration within the Down Syndrome community, showing us all just how much our kids can achieve—anything they set their minds to!


Sofia was so sweet, taking pictures with everyone and joining in on the fun of dancing and being silly for the video. When I first learned that Kay would be born with Down Syndrome, I had no idea I’d be joining such an amazing community. I’m forever grateful for the friendships I’ve made and the sense of belonging I’ve found—all thanks to Kay.

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