Another Saturday means another afternoon of T-Ball excitement for Kay! As the eight-week season progresses, I can’t help but feel a twinge of sadness at the thought of it coming to an end. But seeing Kay’s infectious smile, hearing her laughter, and witnessing her sheer joy on the field reaffirms that signing her up was absolutely the right decision.


T-Ball season coincides perfectly with the transition from winter chill to mild spring weather here in Las Vegas. The gradual warming allows for enjoyable outdoor play without the sweltering heat. Although, I must admit, it seems like the temperature is rising faster this year than before, especially on today’s scorching afternoon!


This time around, Kay had the pleasure of having her papa join her on the field, helping her retrieve balls and offering support when it was her turn at bat. Watching them bond while running the bases together filled me with immense joy.


With only a few Saturdays left in the season, Kay will soon wrap up her inaugural T-Ball experience. But one thing’s for certain: it won’t be her last. We’ll be back for more fun and games in the seasons to come!

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