Kay and I recently attended an event called “A Little Extra PT,” hosted by Down Syndrome Connections, a non-profit serving our community. We’re fortunate to have not just one, but three outstanding organizations dedicated to supporting individuals with Down Syndrome.


One of the standout features of Down Syndrome Connections is their diverse range of classes, held at various locations including libraries, making them easily accessible. It’s a rare treat to find classes tailored to Kay’s needs, and having them just a 15-minute drive away fills me with joy.


We’ve had the pleasure of participating in several of their events and classes, each one striking a perfect balance between being informative and enjoyable.


I can’t stress enough how grateful I am for the incredible community we have for Kay and myself. These aren’t just friends; they’re like family, always there to celebrate the highs and support through the lows. Whether it’s sharing good news or seeking solace during moments of overwhelming emotions, I know I can always count on them.

1 Comment

  1. So good to hear how close a drive you have. Activities for Kay, which she loves. Social skills right on.
    Jessica I am glad that have outlet of all that it takes as single partrent and a daughter that has just a unique way of expressing likes and dislikes. We all have days we can’t pin that one thing that through your goals for the day. One day at time. No judging from me on those days when she doesn’t smile or express what just isn’t right.
    I Dig It

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