GiGi’s Playhouse National has just launched an exciting contest inviting submissions of personal stories about the significance of Down Syndrome. The prize includes both cash and a donation to your local GiGi’s Playhouse chapter – an opportunity too good to miss! While the winner has yet to be revealed, I couldn’t resist the chance to participate. Here’s my submission for you all to read.



Experiencing pregnancy amid a pandemic and discovering that my unborn child would have Down Syndrome was an unexpected journey I wasn’t prepared for. Sitting alone in the doctor’s office, the ultrasound technician’s concerned expression mirrored my growing anxiety as she paused the scan to summon the doctor. The gravity of the situation hit when the doctor confirmed their suspicions and urgently recommended seeing a specialist for further tests. My mind raced with fear and uncertainty as I grappled with the reality of my baby’s diagnosis.


Opting for an Amniocentesis, an invasive prenatal test, seemed daunting amidst the risks of preterm labor or miscarriage. Despite my apprehension, I consented, enduring the procedure alone, feeling the tension of every moment. The relief of mild cramping afterward was a small mercy amidst the overwhelming emotional turmoil.


A week of agonizing wait culminated in a call delivering bittersweet news: my baby was a girl, but she would be born with Down Syndrome. The suggestion of termination pierced through my dreams of motherhood, yet my resolve to embrace this journey only strengthened. I made a promise to provide her with every opportunity for a fulfilling life.


Navigating through a sea of uncertainties, I sought solace and knowledge from support groups, determined to become the advocate my daughter, Kay, deserved. Her unexpected early arrival, marked by her resilience, embodied the strength that would define her journey. In three short years, Kay has transformed not only my perspective but also my very being, instilling in me a newfound sense of purpose and acceptance.


Grateful for the profound impact she has had on my life, I recognize the invaluable bond shared within the Down Syndrome community—a love so pure and unconditional. Despite the challenges, my Down Syndrome journey is one filled with joy and gratitude. After all, we are aptly named “The Lucky Few,” blessed with a life enriched by love, laughter, and endless possibilities.

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