July 13th was my mom’s birthday. We spent most of the day relaxing, and later, my parents went out to dinner with friends. After dinner they all came back to celebrate with ice cream and a red velvet cake!


One of Kay’s favorite songs to sing is “Happy Birthday,” which I find so funny! It’s a random song that’s only sung a few times a year, yet it’s one of Kay’s favorites. She’s always asking for “birthday,” meaning she wants me to play the “Happy Birthday” song so she can sing along. She even got to help her grandma blow out the birthday candles!


Kay got to stay up a little later to enjoy the celebration. To my surprise, she wasn’t interested in trying the cake and only wanted ice cream. Kay kept asking for cake, but when I offered her a bite, she would say no. Toddlers, right? Typically, I might worry about giving Kay so many sweets at once, especially because of her diabetes. However, Kay is in what’s called the “honeymoon” phase. It’s such an odd phrase to use with diabetes! The honeymoon phase is when her pancreas still decides to work a bit, so she doesn’t need insulin or needs much less. This doesn’t mean Kay doesn’t have diabetes, as there is currently no cure for type 1 diabetes, but I am enjoying the break from having to give her insulin shots, and I know she is too!

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