We had a relaxing day at home for Father’s Day this year. Lately, we’ve been keeping things low-key, preferring to stay home to ensure we’re prepared if Kay needs extra care or if her glucose levels change drastically.


Just when I think I’m getting the hang of things, Kay always throws me a curveball! Right before lunch, her glucose levels started to drop. Thankfully, the app connected to her Dexcom alerted me that her glucose was dropping rapidly. Kay’s glucose dropped to 54, which is the lowest I’ve ever seen it. Anything below 70 is unsafe, and anything under 40 is extremely critical, putting Kay at risk of going into a diabetic coma if we can’t raise her glucose levels quickly.


Even though lunch was in the oven, I knew we couldn’t wait. I grabbed some apple juice from the fridge and offered it to Kay. She loves apple juice but was hesitant to drink it. She started sipping slowly, but her levels kept dropping, by as much as 10 points in just three minutes! Then I remembered the cake icing we keep for emergencies like this. I scooped some chocolate cake icing onto a spoon and had Kay eat it. After a few spoonfuls and continuous monitoring, her levels began to rise, but still not enough for my liking. I offered to make her anything else she would eat, as she wasn’t interested in the pizza I made. Getting Kay to eat during these moments is crucial. After trying a few different options, her glucose levels finally started to rise, and I felt a bit more at peace.


Kay certainly keeps us on our toes, and it’s never boring around here.

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