Kay had her yearly eye exam—a routine checkup, but an important one. Since she was born with Down Syndrome, she’s at a higher risk of possibly needing glasses someday. Add in the fact that I wear glasses myself (thanks, genetics! Lol), and the odds aren’t exactly in her favor. On top of that, her type 1 diabetes makes regular eye exams even more crucial.
Doctor’s appointments can be unpredictable for Kay, especially since her diabetes diagnosis. She’s understandably cautious around medical staff, making each visit a bit of a wild card. This time was no different. When it was time for the eye drops to dilate her pupils, there were some tears. But true to her nature, she bounced back quickly, and before long, she was her usual cheerful self again.
After waiting for the drops to take effect, we finally met with Kay’s eye doctor. The best news? Her eyes are perfectly healthy! Unless she starts showing signs of vision trouble, we don’t need to come back for another year. While we were there, I asked about when type 1 diabetes might start affecting her eyesight. The doctor explained that any changes likely wouldn’t appear until her 20s, and even then, keeping her blood sugar levels in range will make a huge difference in preserving her eye health. That’s always the goal.
Watching Kay navigate these appointments with so much strength and resilience is incredible. She inspires me more than she knows.