Saturday was another fun-filled day at GiGi’s Playhouse! I love keeping Kay active and engaged because, while relaxing at home is nice, I know she truly enjoys getting out, doing things, and spending time with her friends.
We started the day with Art Explosion, where the kids painted with watercolors. Kay usually loves painting, but I’ve noticed that if she’s already done an activity beforehand, even something she enjoys, she isn’t as eager to sit down and participate. I try to give her small tasks or projects to keep her engaged, but lately, she loses interest quickly. It can be a challenge—mainly for me—as I work with her on completing tasks, sitting still, and following instructions. But she’s only four, and I know with time, she’ll get there. For now, I do my best to help her through what she can handle and give her breaks when she needs them.
After painting, we ended the class with a story time circle, but Kay struggled to sit still, so I let her take a break and walk around. One of the things I love about GiGi’s Playhouse is that I never feel anxious if Kay doesn’t want to sit through an entire program. The environment is so understanding, and there’s never any judgment.
Next up was Open Play! Kay had a blast running around, playing with friends, and “cooking” pretend meals. And as if the day wasn’t packed enough, we wrapped it all up by celebrating a friend’s birthday at GiGi’s Playhouse. Kay got to see even more friends, enjoy pizza and cake, and, of course, dance the afternoon away.
I’m so grateful for GiGi’s Playhouse—it gives us a place where we truly feel included. We stay busy in the best ways and always leave with happy memories!