On Friday, Kay’s school hosted another family engagement event for the Pre-K kids—a Pre-K Matinee! We watched several Disney short films, and the kids got to demonstrate what they’ve been learning about movie etiquette, exchanging money for tickets, and buying concessions. While movie manners might still need a little work (especially for Kay—hah!), it was such a cute and fun experience. That said, I don’t think we’ll be heading to the movie theater anytime soon. LOL.


Saturday was all about creativity at GiGi’s Playhouse during Art Explosion! This time, we tackled making our own rhino using colorful clay. Kay excitedly picked out several colors and helped shape the pieces for our masterpiece. Once the rhino was complete, I handed it to her for a picture, and—true to Kay’s style—she immediately squished it and started taking it apart. Hah! It’s all in good fun, so I couldn’t help but laugh.


After Art Explosion wrapped up, it was time for Open Play, one of Kay’s favorite activities. She loves the play kitchen and “cooking” up as much food as her heart desires. We ended the morning with lunch and some outdoor fun at the park—a perfect way to finish the day!


I always try to keep Kay as active and engaged as possible because it makes her happy, and I know it’s so beneficial for her in the long run.

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