October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month (also known as Acceptance Month)! This is a time dedicated to advocating for inclusion, breaking down myths, and sharing facts to better educate the world. It’s all about helping others understand that individuals with Down Syndrome are just like you and me.


Recently, I came across a video where a mom was asked, “What has Down Syndrome added to your life?” Her response: “An appreciation and understanding of people with special needs.” It resonated deeply with me because I remember vividly the moment I learned my baby—gender still unknown at the time—would be born with Down Syndrome. I was scared. I knew so little about Down Syndrome and had no idea what the future held for my child.


All I ever wanted was to be a mom, and that dream had finally come true. But the unknowns that came with the diagnosis weighed heavily on my mind. After receiving the phone call that would change my life, even though I didn’t fully understand how yet, I immediately turned to my phone. I joined every support group I could find, while resisting the urge to Google every question running through my head. If you’re expecting a baby diagnosed with Down Syndrome, trust me—Google is not your friend. Although some amazing moms (whom I follow) have worked hard to change what pops up when you search for Down Syndrome, there’s still a lot of progress to be made to ensure families find hope rather than fear in those early moments.


October gives us an even bigger platform to spread awareness and promote inclusion—something we do daily. It’s a time to showcase just how incredible the Down Syndrome community is and how capable our children truly are. You can join the celebration by donating to non-profits that work with individuals with Down Syndrome or by simply sharing a positive story about someone with Down Syndrome.


Throughout the month, I’ll be posting facts and debunking myths! You can follow Kay’s journey on Instagram at keepingupwithkay_21, where I share regular updates—especially during this special month.


I am endlessly grateful for the opportunity to spread awareness and to share Kay with the world!

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