Kay August Blog 4

Kay’s first day of school looks a little different this year. Instead of walking her up to the building and handing her off to the teachers, I got to follow kay inside and hang with her while she ate her breakfast and follow up with an insulin shot before taking myself back home.   Typically,…

Kay August Blog 3

The Friday before Kay returned to school, I had a meeting with her two main teachers and the other Pre-K teachers who will be working with her. It was a brief meeting where I shared important information about Kay and what her diabetes means for her at school.   I joked that if Kay isn’t…

Kay August Blog 2

Kay and I recently attended the final Leaps and Bounds class at GiGi’s Playhouse until fall. It was my first time volunteering consistently for something, and I’m so glad it was with GiGi’s Playhouse! The playhouse feels like a second home to us, and I loved being able to contribute to one of their programs.…